Friday, December 9, 2011

summary of 2011.=)


i'll make it simple.
one post per year.=D
first of all.
Alhamdulillah for my result.=)
so my last sem here.
and then UKM, wait for me baby.

this year quite ok.
got 'unique' classmate,
and a dumb roommate.

my classmate.?
at first ok la.
but then they started a gossip bout me.
then its over la.
im alone..and u r on your own.
i dont need you.=)

still struggling to forget someone.
but got a really nice girl there for me.
always there for me.
doesnt matter how bad i treat her.
shes always there.
i try to appreciate her.
but i cant spent enough time for her.
study 1st.

if got my jodoh with her,then i ll be with her.

so wats more.?
tomorrow my birthday.=)
already got 3 presents.
and another one will be otw tomorrow.
as promised by her.=D

i hide my birthday on fb.
it sucks to have a lot of wishes from stranger.
and plus i didnt enjoy my birthday much.

thats for now.
im tired with all the assignment and workload.
but its ok.

Friday, September 16, 2011

kau..kau..dan kau..sume siall.-.-


lame x update kn.
1st individu yg nk kne maki aryni.
kau mmg sial ek.
ko sape sial nk pkul aku.?
seb beq ko pompuan n tmpt tu ade cctv.
klau x mmg mkn pnumbuk da.
ko bodo ke ape.?
aku tgah berbual ko jgn nk masok campur bodo.
dr dlu aku dok bersaba.
ko mmg x taw malu ek.?
aku sound ko sket.
ko nk hentak aku ngan file aku.?
pastu baling kat lantai.?
ea sial.
sape kcau sape dlu.?
membe ko tu x kesa pon aku mntk die jwpn.
ko nk mlebih pehal.?
takot ko ilang kwn psal ko sial.?
mampos ko la.
bru malukn sket da trus mntk maaf.?
aku bkn pemaaf la weyh.
ko blom tgok kn aku pnye prangai camne.
aku blom puas lg.
ko wat aku malu 1 klas weyh.
aku balas bru group aku.
lek dlu.
lpas ni 1 batch aku lak.
ko tggu.

yg kwn ko lg sorg ni pehal ntah.
sanggop x nk tego ngan aku lg.
x kesa la tu.
klau x taw cite btol.
x paya la tbe2 nk reject aku sial.
ko tnye dlu org yg nmpk.
ko dgar dr mlut die tu mmg la die je baik.
aku ni jaat.
ko tnye la dak laen yg nmpk.
aku x de kcau die pon.
aku tgah wat tutor kot.
x psal2 kne pkul.
mmg lahanat ar.
amek la balik kuih ko tu.
x nk aku mkn.
ko bkn kwn aku lg pon.
ko yg nk cam tu kn.

idop aku bulan ni mmg sial.
maybe ni ptande yg baik.
bln dpn maybe bln baik.
bgus la tu.
bln dpn muet n exam.
mntk2 blan sial ni brakhir.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

kenangan terindah-samsons (syeera sanders)

still breathing-adtr.=D

Friday, April 29, 2011

haihhh..problem lg.


ape lar naseb ni.
mls sbenanye nk tulis ni.
tp klau pendam je lg teruk kn.?

tp still mls nk tulis.
so skrg wat ape je.?
x dgar ke ngan melalak kat blik ni.?

drop dead gorgeous.
eyes set to kill.
a day to remember.
blink 182.
x lupe anuar zain.
zaiton sameon.
sah gile.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

maths killed me again.=.='

as usual.

dis is bout my result oke.
final result.
i start with 0 handicap.
oke. ZERO.
i failed my 1st test.
so the pointer is 0.
then all assignment.0
i didnt submit.
u know why.?
i wasnt at my college for a month plus pluss.!
then quiz.?0 gak.=.=
wats left.?
60% for UA a.k.a final.
so a day before math paper.
i didnt study at all.
i made my decision.
i dont wanna do dis effing math.
but wat i have for my result.?
jeng jenggg.
60% of my UA cause me to pass this damn math.
i was like wtf.?
wat was my real mark.?
only 60% of it then i passed.?
minimum passed mark 45%.
then wat i scored for dis damn UA.?
its really made me wondering wtf happens.
its a miracle dude.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

that darn cat.!

last nite watch this movie.
a realy old one.
just got attracted to the little girl.
then just find out shes too old already.
that darn girl.

rite now im damn bz.
trying to start my own bisnes.
im selling some stuff from japan.
thanx to my uncle there.
rite now im more to watches.
n dat g shock ga-110 damn cool.!
tgok harge la weyh.
so malaysia ni pling mura rm499.
tu pon da pkai la.
kire 2nd hand.
kaler pink.
ade kat aloq setaq sane naa.
so i got it at lower price n try to sell it at more affordable price.
after my short survey.
everyone selling that watch for rm599-699
so my estimated price..rm550.
i tried to make it lower.
but i dunno how much the postage will be.
so after dat.
if possible.
i will sell it at rm530.

bisnes is my life.!
no need matriculation anymore.!
go die u science.(biology)
love chemistry n physic.!
oke i know.
chemical engineering.
my dad civil.
n me chemical.?
my sis.?
my mum.?
also bisneswoman.=D